sighttpd is a DLL that sends a message to a running httpd that causes it to cycle its logfile(s). The log is renamed '.001', and older logs are renamed from '.001' to '.002' and so forth. It will keep 30 old logs. The 31st is deleted. The DLL exports one function: "SigHTTPD". It returns an integer that is non-zero if it succeeded, or zero if it failed (usually because httpd isn't running). It takes 2 integer parameters: a flag to cycle the access log, and a flag to cycle the error log, in that order. The httpd server must be running. The flags are non-zero for TRUE and zero for FALSE. I wrote the DLL to use with a Visual Basic server usage monitor that I am developing. The VB declaration is as follows (the "\" is a line continuation, the declaration must be all on one line (UGH!)): Declare Function SigHTTPD Lib "sighttpd.dll" \ (ByVal AccLog As Integer, ByVal ErrLog As Integer) As Integer NOTE: Don't cycle your access log if you are running wusage. It assumes that all of the data is in the live access log.